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Camping Dutch Oven Cinnamon Buns

Dutch Oven Cinnamon Buns

Author: Heather Painchaud
These dutch oven cinnamon buns are sure to become a camping staple! Have you ever made cinnamon buns in the dutch oven?! Let me show you how easy it is...
Prep Time 2 minutes
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 27 minutes
Course Dutch Oven
Servings 8


  • 351 g Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls


  • 1. Line the dutch oven with parchment paper.  This step can be skipped but it helps to make clean up WAY easier.
  • 2. Open the container of cinnamon buns, set aside the frosting and place the buns in a single layer on the bottom of the dutch oven.
  • 3. Place the lid on the dutch oven and bake the cinnamon buns over the coals of a fire for about 25 minutes. Alternately you may bake them in the oven at 350 degrees for 20 minutes.
  • 4. Top with frosting and enjoy!